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MCUARMSTM32F407VET6 ARM Cortex 32位微控制器 MCU  LQFP100【原装品牌】
 STM32F407VET6 ARM Cortex 32位微控制器 MCU  LQFP100【原装品牌】
型号:  STM32F407VET6
品牌:  ST
封装:  LQFP100
数量:  600
单价:  25.90
咨询:    信琪电子  点击这里给我发消息
电话: 0755-8368 1282    传真:0755-8368 1282
E-Mail:  QQ:1367904903

The STM32F405xx and STM32F407xx family is based on the high-performance ARM®Cortex®-M4 32-bit RISC core operating at a frequency of up to 168 MHz. The Cortex-M4 core features a Floating point unit (FPU) single precision which supports all ARM single-precision data-processing instructions and data types. It also implements a full set of DSP instructions and a memory protection unit (MPU) which enhances application security.

The STM32F405xx and STM32F407xx family incorporates high-speed embedded memories (Flash memory up to 1 Mbyte, up to 192 Kbytes of SRAM), up to 4 Kbytes of backup SRAM, and an extensive range of enhanced I/Os and peripherals connected to two APB buses, three AHB buses and a 32-bit multi-AHB bus matrix.
All devices offer three 12-bit ADCs, two DACs, a low-power RTC, twelve general-purpose 16-bit timers including two PWM timers for motor control, two general-purpose 32-bit timers. a true random number generator (RNG). They also feature standard and advanced communication interfaces.

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